My rest yesterday left me ridiculously 'up' and ready for today to start, and I was seriously shaking when the wall balls began.
We did the team stadium WOD from last year's CrossFit Games. My team was Carol, Marcos, Kirk, and me.
The 11am WOD:
30 wall balls #20- only one person lifting at a time
300m row
30 box jumps
30 KB swings 1.5 pood
30 push press 45#
30 deadlift 225#- only one person lifting at a time
Time 15:44!
Obviously that wasn't enough so I took my parents out to the track to hit up workout #2. Out at the track I did:
At 1:30pm
5 Rounds of:
10 pullups
10 pushups
Tire pull 25m
Bleachers with tire overhead (I'm guessing the tire was 50#, it was biggest one laying around)
40m over head tire run
Tire drag (backwards) 25m
5 burpees
14 something mintues
That overhead tire run is something that I never, ever want to do again. It was awful, and the day I see a stack of tires in front of CSCF is the day I join a new gym.. just kidding. But really, awful.
After the track with headed to Naked Fish to get a little sushi and some fried ice cream. Totally worth the sugar hit, but now it's sleepy time for an hour or two of much needed rest.